- Download the full report in English here: Changing the Narrative – Media Representation of Refugees and Migrants in Europe
An Executive Summary which includes highlights and recommendations in available in the following languages:
- English: Changing the Narrative – Executive Summary
- Español: Cambiando el Discurso: la Representación de los Refugiados y los Migrantes en los Medios de Comunicación Europeos
- Deutsch: Die Erzählung verändern: Mediendarstellung von Flüchtlingen, Migranten und Migrantinnen in Europa
- Français: Changer le Discours: la Représentation Médiatique des Réfugiés et des Migrants en Europe
- Arabic: Executive Summary and Recommendations_AR
If you would like to receive the Executive Summary in another language, or are interested in translating it into your language, please contact any of the project partners from the Contacts section.
- Presentation of the report
The report was presented to the public on 16 November 2017 at the Brussels Press Club. The full recording of the event is available here. Below are extracts from each speaker’s presentations.
Video statement from Manfred Rekowski, President of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland
Presentation of the report from Francesca Pierigh, Research and Communication Consultant for the project Refugees Reporting
Response to the report and presentation from Spogmy Jabarkhil, activist and representative from Qvinnan, network for refugee women in Sweden
Response to the report and presentation from Tom Law, Director of Campaigns and Communication, Ethical Journalism Network
Response to the report and presentation from Torsten Moritz, Executive Secretary, Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe